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BMC Helix Roadshow Frankfurt

Date: November 13 (9:30 - 18:30 CET)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Contact : Lydia Nebout
Venue Country: Germany
Venue Name: Hilton Frankfurt City Centre

Da wir in einem sich ständig wandelnden digitalen Cloud-Umfeld operieren, war die Gewährleistung von Service-Zuverlässigkeit, Ausfallsicherheit und Leistungserbringung noch nie so wichtig wie Heute. Die Interaktion von Cloud-Umgebungen, verteilten Architekturen, Microservices und riesigen Datenströmen erfordert einen neuen Ansatz zur Dienstleistungssicherheit — Observability und AIOps.

Nehmen Sie an diesem Roadshow-Event in Frankfurt teil, um zu erfahren, wie die BMC Helix-Lösungen Ihre gewünschten Geschäftsergebnisse auf drei verschiedene Arten voranbringen. Lernen Sie die Grundlagen von Observability und ServiceOps kennen. Von da aus erweitern Sie Ihr Wissen und lernen, die richtige Strategie und die passenden Werkzeuge anzuwenden, um Ihre Arbeit zu erleichtern und Ihre gewünschten Geschäftsergebnisse zu fördern.


Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo NA

Date: October 21 – 24 October (7am - 6pm EST)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Contact : Flor Garcia
Venue Country: USA
Venue Name: Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort

Come see us in Orlando, BMC will be a Marketplace sponsor!

The only IT conference shaped by data-driven research and over 200,000 annual conversations between Gartner experts and the IT community. Our global team of 140+ on-site experts helps you create and validate your game plan using actionable insight based on our proprietary research and tools. Join a large and diverse group of CIOs and IT executives that prioritize meaningful interactions and powerful connections.


Rejoignez-nous au Gala des Grands Chefs

Date: 23 octobre, 2024 (05:00 PM)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: Canada
Venue Name: Marché Bonsecours de Montréal

Nous vous invitons à rejoindre l'équipe BMC au Gala des Grands Chefs, un événement de networking gastronomique le 23 octobre.

Organisé depuis plus de 20 ans par la Société canadienne du cancer, le Gala des Grands Chefs rassemble les personnes de la communauté des affaires et des chefs renommés autour d’une expérience culinaire unique afin de récolter des fonds pour soutenir les personnes touchées par le cancer. Ensemble, grâce à ce soutien et ce sens de l’entraide, nous pouvons changer l’avenir de la lutte contre le cancer.

Cette année, le Gala des Grands Chefs aura lieu le 23 octobre au Marché Bonsecours de Montréal en présence de plusieurs grands chefs montréalais. Nous invitons la communauté des gens d’affaires et le grand public de toutes les régions du Québec à participer à cet événement exceptionnel où se mêlent gastronomie, networking réseautage et collecte de fonds.

Visitez le site web du Gala pour plus d’informations.

Venez profiter de cette soirée pour échanger avec des pairs !


Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo EMEA

Date: 4 Nov – 7 Nov (7am - 7pm CET)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Contact : Flor Garcia
Venue Country: Spain
Venue Name: International Barcelona Convention Center

Come see us in Barcelona, BMC will be a Premier sponsor!

The only IT conference shaped by data-driven research and over 200,000 annual conversations between Gartner experts and the IT community. Our global team of 140+ on-site experts helps you create and validate your game plan using actionable insight based on our proprietary research and tools. Join a large and diverse group of CIOs and IT executives that prioritize meaningful interactions and powerful connections.


BMC Family Day

Date: October 26, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: South Korea
Event URL: BMC Family Day

귀사의 일익 번창하심을 기원하오며, 평소 BMC Software Korea와 저희 파트너사에 보내주시는 아낌없는 지원과 사랑에 감사드립니다.

무더위로 지치고 힘들었던 여름을 지나고 일상을 회복하고 있는 요즘 그 동안 BMC Software Korea에 보내주신 신뢰와 지원에 감사드리고자 고객 초청 행사인 BMC Family Day를 진행할 수 있게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다.

일상을 벗어나 온가족이 함께 즐거운 추억을 만들어 보는 건 어떠신가요? 여러분을 정중히 초대하오니 부디 참석하셔서 즐거운 시간을 보내시기를 바랍니다.

그리고, BMC의 대표 솔루션인 Control-M은 다양한 업무환경 전반에 걸친 복잡한 데이터 파이프라인을 오케스트레이션하고 자동화하며 데이터 영역에서도 일관된 서비스 수준을 보장하도록 기능이 향상되었습니다. 이와 관련된 자세한 내용은 행사 참석 등록시 링크를 통해서 다운로드해주시면 감사하겠습니다

장소: Everland

시간: 2024년 10월 26일 (토)



Date: October 27 - October 31 (9am - 7pm CET)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Contact : Flor Garcia
Venue Country: Spain
Venue Name: Palacio de Congresos Valencia
Event URL: IDUG EMEA 2024

Come see us in Valencia, BMC will be a Gold sponsor!

The International Db2 Users Group (IDUG®) is an independent, not-for-profit, user-run organization whose mission is to support and strengthen the information services community by providing the highest quality education and services designed to promote the effective utilization of Db2.


Control-M Innovation Roadshow

Date: November 19, 2024, 9:30 AM - 5:45 PM
Contact Company: BMC Software
Country: London
Venue Name: Underwood Loft Lumier London LTD 6-14 Underwood Street London N1 7JQ

Join us for a fun and interactive day designed to help you tackle business challenges more quickly and deliver maximum value with Control-M.

  • Learn about the latest Control-M enhancements (self-hosted and SaaS)
  • Network with dozens of peers, thought leaders, and workflow orchestration experts
  • Explore the latest DataOps, cloud, and DevOps orchestration best practices
  • Get a preview of future innovation in the roadmap session


BMC Helix Meetup: Santa Clara

Date: November 14, 2024, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: United States

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to spend time with BMC product experts and network with fellow IT professionals while discussing:

  • Key topics addressed during the IT modernization roundtable
  • Learn more about HelixGPT with Service Management
  • Demo of HelixGPT with AIOps
  • Check out our new Helix Change Risk Advisor capabilities
  • Introduction to Netreo – Unleash the Power of Network Observability
  • Market Disruption with Broadcom - Discussion on Virtual Infrastructure Migrations
  • Tour of the Innovation Lab + Lunch will be served + BMC branded giveaways
  • This session will be followed by an optional Networking Happy Hour

*Happy Hour location and details will be shared once you register

Register early, space is limited.


BMC & Mediro ICT Mainframe Day

Date: October 29, 2024,
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: South Africa
Venue Name: Lanseria Country Estate

Not your Father’s Car – A Day in the Life of a Mainframer!

Join BMC and Mediro ICT for an exhilarating ride into the life of a Mainframer!

Imagine your software delivery tools as high-performance cars. On their own, they might look impressive, but it’s when you take them out on the track that you see their true potential. These tools aren’t just for show; they’re built to solve problems, much like a finely-tuned engine is designed to deliver power and precision.

Now, picture our solutions as a thrilling episode of ‘Ride Along with a Mainframer’, set against the backdrop of ‘A Day in the Life of a Mainframer.’ We’ll take you on a journey through various terrains, handling each twist and turn with finesse. From the morning commute to the high-speed challenges of the afternoon, you’ll see familiar landscapes and appreciate the true value of our beautifully engineered solutions. Buckle up, because this ride is going to be both enlightening and exhilarating!

Don’t miss out! Reserve your seat now.

Take a look at the agenda to see what’s in store for you!


Conférence IDC : Next-Gen Infrastructure: Cloud, AI, Sustainability

Date: November 14, 2024, (8:00 AM - 4:30 PM CET)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Contact : Lydia Nebout
Venue Country: France
Venue Name: Workstation

BMC est partenaire de la conférence IDC "Next-Gen Infrastructure: Cloud, AI, Sustainability" et interviendra sur le panel de 11h00 sur :

  • L'Observabilité et la gestion des opérations IT : Discussion sur l'importance de l'observabilité et de la gestion des opérations IT pour garantir la performance et la fiabilité des infrastructures numériques et
  • L'Optimisation des coûts dans le cloud : Examen des défis liés à l'optimisation des coûts dans le cloud et des stratégies pour maximiser l'efficacité tout en minimisant les dépenses. 

Retrouvez-nous sur la conférence pour enrichir vos réflexions sur ces questions !


BMC Day 2024

Date: November 21, 2024, (9:00 AM - 2:00 PM HKT)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: Hong Kong
Venue Name: Hyatt Regency
Event URL: BMC Day 2024

Discover the new BMC in a stunning setting.

Discover the transformative potential of data, AI, ML, and predictive analytics, and uncover pathways to new revenue streams—including impactful use cases. Join industry luminaries and BMC's brightest as they share insights, real-world success stories, and practical customer-driven use cases with tangible business outcomes.


BMC Day Santiago

Date: November 20, 2024, (8:30 AM to 5:00 PM)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: Chile
Venue Name: Santiago Marriott Hotel
Event URL: BMC Day Santiago

Impulsa el futuro con datos e IA

¿Estás listo para revolucionar tus operaciones digitales?

Te damos la bienvenida al BMC Day Santiago, donde exploraremos el poder de las tecnologías y soluciones de BMC basadas en IA y datos para acelerar el futuro de tu empresa y las operaciones de TI. Únete a líderes del sector, colegas y expertos para descubrir cómo innovar, adaptarte, competir y triunfar en la era de las operaciones digitales.

¡Inscríbete ahora y asegura tu plaza!

No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de descubrir soluciones y estrategias que impulsarán el crecimiento de tu negocio. Inscríbete ya y asegura tu lugar.


BMC Round Table for Db2, IMA, AMI Ops & DevX

Date: Dezember 10 (12:30 – 19:00 Uhr) - Dezember 11 (09:00 – 15:30 Uhr)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Contact : Lydia Nebout
Venue Country: Germany
Venue Name: Köln Marriott Hotel

In diesem Jahr ist wie gewohnt Roundtable-Zeit im Dezember, und wir laden Sie herzlich zu unserem BMC Roundtable für Db2, IMS, AMI Ops und DevX am 10. und 11. Dezember 2024 in Köln ein.

Die Veranstaltung beginnt traditionell mit einer Keynote-Session für alle vier Produktbereiche. Hier erhalten Sie einen Einblick in die BMC-Produktstrategie, ausgewählte Entwicklungsthemen und geplante Zukunftsprojekte.

Der zweite Tag startet dann für Db2, IMS, AMI Ops und DevX in separaten Meetingräumen und jeweils mit eigener Agenda. Alle Neuerungen in allen 4 Produktbereichen werden Ihnen in einzelnen Sessions ausführlich vorgestellt.


BMC Channel CXO Executive Summit 2024

Date: December 5 – December 6, 2024
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: India
Venue Name: Fortune Select Forest Hill

Join us for the first ever BMC Channel CXO Executive Summit, an exclusive gathering of industry experts, executive leadership, and invited BMC Channel Partners as we explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence in reshaping business strategies and IT ecosystems. This summit will feature visionary insights, live AI demonstrations, and immersive discussions on how AI is driving business innovation today and tomorrow.

At this event, partners will get a sneak peek into cutting-edge AI advancements and how they can leverage these technologies to enhance their own offerings, accelerate growth, and create new business models. Whether it’s co-creating solutions or exploring new market opportunities, this summit provides the perfect environment to collaborate and drive the next phase of AI innovation together.

What’s in store for you?

This summit is ideal for:

  • Business and Technology Partner Executives
  • Channel leaders

Don’t miss this opportunity to define the next phase of AI innovation.

Register now to join us for this exclusive BMC Channel CXO Summit and lead the way in the future of AI-driven business.


BMC CXO Executive Summit 2024

Date: December 6 - December 8, 2024
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: India
Venue Name: Fortune Select Forest Hill

Join us at the 9th edition of the BMC CXO Summit, an exclusive gathering of top decision-makers from across industries, as we explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence in reshaping business strategies and IT ecosystems. This summit will feature visionary insights, live AI demonstrations, and immersive discussions on how AI is driving business innovation today and tomorrow.

What’s in store for you?

  • Keynotes from Industry Thought Leaders: Hear from top AI innovators and business leaders who are pushing the boundaries of technology.
  • Panel Discussions: Deep-dive into AI-driven transformations, cybersecurity challenges, and the future of IT operations with industry experts.
  • Exclusive Fireside Chat: An intimate conversation with a key AI innovators on navigating the AI journey.

By attending, you’ll gain critical insights into how AI is reshaping IT strategy to drive business success, improve efficiency, and increase competitive advantage. This summit will provide practical examples of how AI is enabling organizations to:

  • Boost Operational Resilience: Use AI to anticipate and address potential system issues before they disrupt your business, ensuring smoother operations, better performance, and more informed, real-time decision-making across your IT environment.
  • Enhance Service Reliability: AI-driven automation can help you quickly identify, prioritize, and resolve issues, reducing downtime, cutting costs, and improving the overall service experience—leading to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Accelerate Business Agility: AI simplifies complex processes, allowing for faster decision-making and giving your organization the flexibility to adapt quickly to market changes, driving efficiency and supporting long-term growth.

For IT leaders and CXOs, this is a chance to explore how AI can not only enhance operational performance but also deliver real business value, from cost reduction to improved innovation.

Register now and join us to Experience AI with the new BMC


Améliorez la résilience opérationnelle et facilitez la conformité à DORA

Date: November 28, 2024, (9:30 AM to 2:00 PM)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: France
Venue Name: Hôtel du Louvre

L’équipe mainframe de BMC vous propose d’alimenter vos réflexions sur la question de la résilience opérationnelle et de la conformité à DORA lors d’une matinale suivie d’un déjeuner dans le cadre magnifique de l’Hôtel du Louvre by Hyatt.

Venez prendre les insights de nos plus grands experts et écouter :

  • Le retour d’expérience de Crédit Agricole Group Infrastructure Platform sur leur approche en matière de détection et réponse aux menaces de cybersécurité et
  • Le cas client d’une grande banque européenne sur leur stratégie de sauvegarde mainframe sur le Cloud.

User Group Event

BMC Customer Appreciation Event Sydney

Date: November 27, 2024, (5:00 PM to 8:00 PM)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: Australia
Venue Name: Level 22 Event Area

We ‘re thrilled to wrap up the year on a high note and celebrate with our customers as 2024 comes to an end.

The event is a great opportunity to:

  • Build strong relationships with the BMC team
  • Network with your industry peers

This is an exclusive, invite- only customer appreciation event. Space is limited please RSVP as soon as possible so we can secure your spot.

User Group Event

BMC Customer Appreciation Event Wellington

Date: November 14, 2024, (5:00 PM to 8:00 PM)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: New Zealand
Venue Name: Avida bar

We ‘re thrilled to wrap up the year on a high note and celebrate with our customers as 2024 comes to an end.

The event is a great opportunity to:

  • Build strong relationships with the BMC team
  • Network with your industry peers

This is an exclusive, invite- only customer appreciation event. Space is limited please RSVP as soon as possible so we can secure your spot.

User Group Event

BMC Customer Appreciation Event Brisbane

Date: November 21, 2024, (5:00 PM to 8:00 PM)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: Australia
Venue Name: Alchemy Restaurant

We ‘re thrilled to wrap up the year on a high note and celebrate with our customers as 2024 comes to an end.

The event is a great opportunity to:

  • Build strong relationships with the BMC team
  • Network with your industry peers

This is an exclusive, invite- only customer appreciation event. Space is limited please RSVP as soon as possible so we can secure your spot.

Register Now

User Group Event

BMC Customer Appreciation Event Melbourne

Date: November 26, 2024, (5:00 PM to 8:00 PM)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: Australia
Venue Name: Mercury room

We ‘re thrilled to wrap up the year on a high note and celebrate with our customers as 2024 comes to an end.

The event is a great opportunity to:

  • Build strong relationships with the BMC team
  • Network with your industry peers

This is an exclusive, invite- only customer appreciation event. Space is limited please RSVP as soon as possible so we can secure your spot.

Register Now

User Group Event

BMC Customer Appreciation Event Canberra

Date: November 20, 2024, (5:00 PM to 8:00 PM)
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: Australia
Venue Name: The Howling Moon

We ‘re thrilled to wrap up the year on a high note and celebrate with our customers as 2024 comes to an end.

The event is a great opportunity to:

  • Build strong relationships with the BMC team
  • Network with your industry peers

This is an exclusive, invite- only customer appreciation event. Space is limited please RSVP as soon as possible so we can secure your spot.

Register Now


BMC Day Lima

Date: Noviembre 27, 2024
Contact Company: BMC Software
Venue Country: Peru
Venue Name: Pullman Lima San Isidro
Event URL: BMC Day Lima

Impulsa el futuro con datos e IA

¿Estás listo para revolucionar tus operaciones digitales?
Te damos la bienvenida al BMC Day Santiago, donde exploraremos el poder de las tecnologías y soluciones de BMC basadas en IA y datos para acelerar el futuro de tu empresa y las operaciones de TI. Únete a líderes del sector, colegas y expertos para descubrir cómo innovar, adaptarte, competir y triunfar en la era de las operaciones digitales.

¡Inscríbete ahora y asegura tu plaza!

No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de descubrir soluciones y estrategias que impulsarán el crecimiento de tu negocio. Inscríbete ya y asegura tu lugar.

¡Regístrate ahora!